Songkla Lodge No. 936 I.C.

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Visit to Songkla Lodge No. 936 I.C. Installation Meeting at Novotel Central Sukhontha, Hat Yai, Thailand: 19 September 2009.


To allow for possible delays at a) Penang Bridge and b) the Thai Border, we departed at 7.55am with Bro. Kenneth Khoo driving and Bro. Selvin Vello as the other passenger. Transferred to minibus about 10 minutes short of the border and passed through smoothly. By now we were confusing each other regarding the 1 hour time difference! Arrived at hotel where other Masons were staying and were able to use their room facilities. Had 3 hours to kill. Later, 8 masons from various lodges cramped into a tuk-tuk type microbus with heads very bowed for 20 minute journey to Novotel. Arrived 1 hour BEFORE the Lodge Tyled!


Visitors were received promptly at 5pm (6pm our time). The Installing Master was excellent and performed flawlessly: the new Master less so apparently stricken with nerves (I remember having the same problem). I again had the privilege of conveying greetings on behalf of the W.M. and brethren of RPW Lodge.


The Membership Directory is interesting in that the following are stated: name, address, spouse name, spouse DOB (not year), home phone, H/P, email, status (i.e. Founder, date joined, date initiated), DOB (not year) and wedding anniversary date.


The Festive Board (Harmony) toasts began at 8.40pm. Being aware that the Thai closed the border at midnight, we had arranged transport for 9.30pm in case of hold-ups or congestion. In consequence, we had to leave an excellent 8-course dinner with only 3 courses consumed. As the driver was fast and the roads clear, we arrived at the border at about 10.30pm our time, and only then realised it was 9.30pm their time - we could have had our dinner after all!

W. Bro. Thomas E. Stark

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